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baba baa Blog

Discover, Play, and Learn Together

How To Develop Both Sides Of Your Kid’s Brain Equally

It’s no secret that our brains are divided into two parts — the right and left brains. These two sides of the same structure may look pretty similar, but perform distinctly different mental tasks and functions.

A Reminder Why Reading Is So Important For Your Baby (Or Toddler)
The benefits of parents getting their young toddler and babies to read children’s books are great and many, but what exactly are they?  By now we ...

8 Time Management Tips for Moms

Being a mom is one of the most rewarding roles a woman can have. But it is also one of the most demanding. These 8 time management tips for moms can help alleviate stress in your life and make room for yourself and the people you love. 

A Handy Guide To All Baba Baa Books (And Ways To Use Them)

To make it easier to decide on what book to get your kids, we’ve created this handy guide that explains each and every single one of our titles, and how you can use them to enrich your little one’s life!

baba baa interviews Ally Leong: Why I Let My Kids Be Their Own Bosses

This week, Ally Leong, an Instagrammer and full-time mommy from Malaysia talks to us about her approach to parenting, managing her household, and how her method of setting flexible schedules helps her out as a mother. 

Mother’s Day 2020 Special: 6 Instagram Mommies On Motherhood, Coping During COVID-19, and Tips To A Happier Life
To celebrate the great mothers in our lives this year, we reached out to six mommies who are making waves as professionals, entrepreneurs, and online personalities to get their quick thoughts on their motherhood journeys so far. 

The importance to teach kids local nursery rhymes
As parents living in the 21st century, you’d be forgiven for thinking about how great the Internet has been as an early education tool. With a few clicks of the mouse, you can find yourself on YouTube or any one of hundreds of thousands of educational websites with seemingly endless content for kids’ activities and fun learning sessions.